What We Do
MBR Coaching + Consulting for Growth is:
Creating value for organizations and individuals by tapping and enhancing the talent you already possess.
Leadership Coaching
Organization & Team Building
Career, Retirement and Transitions Coaching
Individual & Team Assessments
Driving Forces
Emotional Quotient (EQ)
Credentials & Certifications
Completed at least 125 hours of coach-specific training, a minimum of 500 hours of client coaching experience, 10 hours of mentor coaching over a minimum of three months, and must pass a performance assessment of their coaching and the Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA).
Leadership and Management For Companies and Nonprofits
Leadership development
Team dynamics
Board and staff dynamics
Diversity and identity in the workplace
Time management & priority setting
Encore Careers
Career development & change
Retirement next steps
Re-entering the workforce after raising a family
Life Coaching
Life balance
Creative goal setting
Moving from ideas to action
Self-awareness is the first step toward change, and assessments provide a powerful tool for learning.
“Behavioral research suggests that the most effective people are those who understand themselves, both their strengths and weaknesses, so they can develop strategies to meet the demands of their environment.” (TTI Success Insights)
Mary Beth is certified with TTI to administer assessments including:
The DISC measures behavior (what we do, how we do it, how others perceive what we do).
Driving Forces measures motivators, why we do what we do, what pumps us up or drags us down.
EQ measures Emotional Quotient, the key ingredient to great leadership, which can be taught.
Individual assessments give you an accurate perception of yourself, and how you interact with people. You will understand the causes of conflict. Results will guide your personal and professional development and a higher level of satisfaction.
Team assessments will quickly show where conflict can occur, and identify where communication, understanding and appreciation can be increased. (TTI)